Keys To An Accessibility Mindset
An accessible product can be daunting to build as there’s so much nuance and technical depth to consider. In this article, Daniel Yuschick demonstrates three keys for approaching and developing accessible content without leaving you lost in the weeds.How many times have you heard this when asking about web accessibility? “It’s something we’d like to do more of, but we don’t have the time or know-how.” From a broad perspective, web accessibility and its importance are understood. Most people will say it’s important to create a product that can be used by a wide array of people with an even wider range of needs and capabilities. However, that is most likely where the conversation ends. Building an accessible product requires commitment from every role at every step of the process. Time, priorities, and education for all involved, so often get in the way. Performing an accessibility audit can cost a lot of time and money. The results can cost even more with just design, development, and QA (Quality Assurance). An audit becomes even more expensive when considering the other heavy investment. For every role, the learning curve for accessibility can be steep. There’s so much nuance and technical depth when
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